KT MECH LLC - Idaho USA - True Hybrid Leather KYDEX Holsters



About Us


KT MECH LLC (KYDEXTECH MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY) was started in 2013 as an Engineering Study to see if we can build custom made holsters faster, more efficient, and at a lesser cost; while also being  made in the United States.  In 2012, the custom holster market had a standard build time of about 4-6 weeks.  While readily made holsters from other countries were available at local department stores, they were of lower quality.

We are coming from a background of Mechanical Engineering, specializing in Medical Manufacturing Devices and Machines.  We use to design, build, test, and produce products such as Desiccant Packaging, Medial Electrode Automated Assembly, and 3D CAD Designed Custom Machines.   Our background enabled us to easily develop more efficient methods of manufacturing.  We can build custom holsters with more handgun and weapon light model combinations, offer a wider range of customizations (on and off the list), while also being able to build and ship orders faster than anyone.

Our current lead times are about 1-2 weeks or less, as standard.  Although it only takes us a few minutes to build a holster, even with custom fabric wraps and internal liners, there is still the line of customers that we have fulfill in order of time of receipt.   For those that need their holster right away, we do offer the Priority Build request 1-3 business day lead.  The Priority Build request is a service that will put your order ahead of the line.  To ensure the previous customers who are already in line does not get delayed; the Priority Build request service is limited from week to week.  You can check the availability status of the Priority Build request and the Current lead time quote on the front page of our website.

We appreciate your time and business.  We are always trying to improve our methods and services.  If you have any feedback, questions, or suggestions, please contact us at any time.


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